Saturday, March 23, 2013

Nice to meetchya

As my first official post, I thought I would back track to a couple weeks ago when I celebrated my Spring Fling themed Birthday Party!  I originally saw this sign on Pinterest for somebody's wedding and thought, "Why do weddings get to have all the fun?  Mine's over... bummer."  Fear not, with a few alterations, my Spring Fling B-day party had a signature cocktail sign! 

Chelsey Patti
My Husband David recreated this sign using a grocery bag and a sharpe!
(Pardon my one painted nail, getting ready time goes by so quickly)

And so now you ask, "What was this amazing cocktail that required it's own sign?"  Well folks, it was a Bourbon Bomber and it was pretty good!

One part apple cider, one part ginger ale, and some lemon juice.  Add desired amount of bourbon & Sprig of rosemary.

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